From Silvia Gluten Free Cuisine Frenchs Forest

From Silvia Gluten Free Cuisine Frenchs Forest

Posted 2015-08-23 by Kerrifollow

It's always a delight to find gluten free food available when browsing local markets. It's even better when it comes from a place that specialises only in gluten free food. From Silvia - Gluten Free Cuisine serves up some of the tastiest baked treats you'll ever get, and I was lucky enough to find them at the Frenchs Forest Organic Food Market.

The worlds best lamingtons you wont believe theyre gluten free

From Silvia - Gluten Free Cuisine has an assortment of items that come from an entirely gluten free kitchen. They pride themselves on making food that doesn't taste gluten free – in fact, often it tastes better than the original version with the gluten in it. My top recommendation is the lamingtons. Soft, delicate, and as big as your palm, I would easily call them the best lamingtons I've ever had in my life. If you only try one thing at From Silvia, you need to make it this.

Grab a hot cup of soup while you browse the markets

Of course, trying just one thing would be madness when there are so many treats to choose from. Another top pick would have to be the sausage rolls. Often gluten free sausage rolls have a nice filling but the pastry leaves a little to be desired. Not so with these. The pastry is savoury and flaky, and tastes so good that I was actually picking bits off the edge to just eat the pastry by itself. You can heat them up in the microwave or oven, but I would recommend the oven to get the pastry extra browned and crisp.

One of the lovely things about From Silvia - Gluten Free Cuisine is that the items are chosen based on requests from customers. After a request for gluten free lasagne sheets, they were soon made and for sale. A request for lasagne sauce followed, and finally for an entire lasagne – resulting in a gluten free lasagne that only needs to be heated and eaten. If you prefer to whip up your own pasta dishes, you can pick up some gluten free fettuccine and get creative.

For those who aren't satisfied with all those options, there are also chocolate chip cookies, bread rolls, flat breads, tarts, vegetable rolls and more. Silvia is also in the process of having a website built from which customers will be able to pre-order for pick-up from the markets. That way you won't have to worry about missing out on what you want – as she assures me she often sells out of many of her items.

From Silvia - Gluten Free Cuisine is available from the Frenchs Forest Organic Food Market on Sundays from 8:00am to 1:00pm . They also sell at the Hornsby markets on Thursdays, Orange Grove markets on Saturdays, Blackheath markets every second Sunday, and Castle Hill markets every second and fourth Saturday.

Rating: 9/10

Where: Frenchs Forest Organic Food Market, plus others
Cost: One item will cost you only a few dollars, but you can get discounts for buying multiples
When: Every Sunday 8:00am - 1:00pm
Good for kids: Yes
Take away: Yes


237436 - 2023-07-18 01:26:25


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